Image Enhancement for Concrete Bridge Inspection with Portable 950 keV/ 3.95 MeV X-ray Source
Cuixiang Pei, Mitsuru Ueaska, Wenjing Wu , Katsuhiro Dobashi, Takeshi Fujiwara, Jyoichi, Jyoichi Kusano, Naoki Nakamura, and Yositomi Kimura
Abstract: The use of portable and high-energy x-ray system can provide a very promising approach for the inspection of aged concrete structures. However, due to the effect of large scattering of low-energy x-ray in a thick concrete, the noise properties and contrast of the radiographic images need to be optimized to ensure reliable interpretation. Therefore, in order to improve the inspection ability, an image denoising method with the combination of wavelet and curvelet transform and image contrast e...
Image Enhancement for Concrete Bridge Inspection with Portable 950 keV/ 3.95 MeV X-ray Source